Learning guitar is something that doesn’t happen overnight.

It’s like how most bands work for years before making it.


Some appear to have good luck right away, but…

Often when you look at their backstory, you see it wasn’t easy for them.

For instance, the biggest band of all time… The Beatles.


At first, it wasn’t plain sailing.

They faced multiple issues such as many name changes including “The Quarrymen”, the “Beatals”, the “Silver Beatles”…Before simply becoming “The Beatles”.

Then there were the infamous issues with Pete Best on drums, how they struggled to “make ends meet”, gruelling schedules in Hamburg, and being overshadowed by other artists at first.

Interesting stuff, but the rest is history.


Speaking of which, I sometimes wonder what would have happened if the Beatles continued.

It’s hard to say, but it may be that they would have meandered through the ages as many bands do.

Instead, they blew the world away and then bang, that was it, it was over.

I hate the idea they would have become a run-of-the-mill band changing their sound to fit the punk 70s, or synth-pop 80s, or grungy 90s.

They were so good at doing what they loved.


Forming any band is hard work (I’ve done it multiple times).

There’s so much to think about…

Getting the right people on the right instruments, music taste, personalities, musical chemistry, etc.

It all takes time.


Lennon and McCartney formed an unmistakable partnership, George Harrison had his sublime guitar playing (which is very underrated), and there was Ringo Starr on drums (whom some drummers hate, but others truly love).

Whatever you think about the individuals, they were an unbelievable sum of their parts.

…And that’s like guitar playing.

There are lots of little elements to it.

Technique, repertoire, musicality, motivation, your “plan”, how you practise…

Plus, having support and people to help when you need it.


Those are the ingredients that make up a good guitarist.

On their own, they are good, but together…

They are like dynamite.

…Especially when you truly develop each of those key elements.


This week, I’m promoting the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy for the last time in quite some time… along with my new book.

Yes, it’s like a dual promotion because the new book works hand in hand with the Academy.

I’m not promising you the guitar-playing equivalent of Beatlemania.

…And I know most of you wouldn’t want it – I mean pretty much everyone who is part of my email list and my world of learning guitar does not want to be a “star”.


But instead, if you want to play to the best of your ability, have more relaxation and fun while avoiding the hugely frustrating pitfalls that plague most people…

Well, all of that I can help you with.

…But of course, it requires you to be fully present and give the guitar your best.

If that sounds like you, and you want to find out more about the book and the Academy, you can below.


Find out more about the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy and my new book today

Enjoy your practice!

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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