Let’s talk about inspiration.

There’s something very cool about meeting and being taught by inspiring people.

That goes for in the guitar world or in any hobby.


The other day, me and Archie went to the local park to have a kickabout with his football.

The sun was blazing, so we headed for some shade.

Archie booted the ball, and it went near a group of people getting shade from the sweltering sun.

One fella got up, did some tricks with the ball, and passed it back to Archie.

Archie asked him, “Do you want to come and play?”

The chap looked happy to be asked.


After a bit, he politely asked me if it was okay to give Archie a few tips.

Well, it turns out this fella is a skilful player and a fine coach.

He got Archie doing some really cool drills, and clearly knew how to get the best out of him.

I’m not the greatest footballer in the world.

…And you too may know it’s never easy teaching your own kids how to do stuff!

Well, this chap was a former Albanian under-21 international footballer. He shared some videos of him winning trophies in his home country and how he sadly broke his leg, which ended his career.

Archie loved every second of meeting this chap and he even told his class at school the next day during the “show and tell” time.


Getting inspired is amazing.

It can really drive us on to bigger and better things.

I mean, Archie was already obsessed with football, but even more so now.

It’s the same on the guitar.

New experiences can be extremely powerful.


You don’t have to be taught by Paul Simon to get that.

Sometimes inspiring experiences can come from a variety of places.

…And usually, they involve others.

Some of the most inspiring experiences I’ve had have come from jamming with others, watching people perform live, or even just seeing a street performer play a song I love.

Or you could get inspiration from taking a punt jamming with an old friend who plays an instrument, taking a lesson or two, or just trying something different.

Inspiration is very powerful.


Anyway, I hope that was helpful.

…And on that note, I’ll be away on a short break until next week, so I will write more then.

For now, I best go pack for our little adventure to Weymouth.

If you want something to keep you going until then, you may like to check this out below…

The Fingerstyle Collection – learn 18 beautiful arrangements and discover the 3-step method


Also, if you have any questions or anything in the meantime, my assistant will take care of you and I’ll be back next week.

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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