Here are two emails and comments I have got this past week…

The first one is a reply to my recent email where I talked about…

The huge number of students who have emailed me saying they often felt like giving up the guitar BUT didn’t and are ultimately loving it.

Here it is…

Email #1

“Excellent e-mail Dan… you really hit on a good point!!  

For me, I waited my whole life to learn guitar, and I will not be giving it up no matter what the obstacles are.  

I know too many folks that give up when things get tough or go the wrong way. It was especially that way in the military.

I can’t tell you the number of people I have met, that when they find out I retired from the Air Force, that have said they were in the military but did not stick it out and they’ve always regretted it.

To me, the rewards of sticking with something no matter how hard, FAR outweigh the small relief you might feel from just quitting something.

All the best to Archie with his cricket! He’s lucky to have such a wonderful role model as you!!!”


– Logan


That’s a great email.

I know Logan has been going through some challenges in his life with the amount of practice time he has…

…But I also know that he is 100% determined.

In fact, he booked in for my new coaching offer (which is now full).

The main point here though, is yes, life will throw obstacles in your way.

…And sometimes learning guitar can be hard.


In fact, many top players who make learning guitar look easy usually have had struggles on their way.

They usually keep those struggles to themselves.

Sometimes they do so because of a little bit of pride.

Other times it’s because they are just private people.

Do remember though, we have all had those struggles, they’re part of the journey, but mostly remember, those who do not quit will always succeed.

Thanks to Logan for the email and kind words.


Email #2

“Hi, I’m Dave. I am just now getting restarted, again. I used to play when I was much younger – but then let things lapse. I tried to restart a couple years ago, when I was living in Switzerland, but I let other things take priority.

My wife and I have moved to Texas and are now near our sons and grandkids. The move and house is now sorted out, and I am ready to go again with my guitar playing.

As luck would have it, I also am back traveling again for work, and am now living in a hotel room in Germany for the next many months and it could be a year – with trips home from time to time. But this also means time in the evenings and weekends to play guitar.

Time to dig into the Academy, fix some bad habits and build new ones.

Learn some songs to play with the grandkids and for myself.”

– Dave


Dave’s been around on my email list and using my lessons for years.

He’s another one who I doubt very much will quit.

Yep, a chaotic job and life got in the way at various points, but Dave keeps at it.

…And Dave’s email highlights another point I like to make.

That is the fact that playing guitar is for life.


By far and away, the best students I’ve had over the years are the ones who never want to quit.

They are the ones who see themselves playing for the rest of their lives.

You only have to think about the health and happiness benefits you can get from learning guitar and the endless joy you can get from playing it to remember…

A lifetime of fun awaits!


I’m excited to share with you some new things over the upcoming weeks and months that I’ve been working on to help you on your journey.

Tomorrow, I’ll be releasing the spiral-bound book version of Guitarists Get Theory. It comes with a lot of very cool online resources that I’ve filmed specifically to go along with the book.

Stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, if you haven’t listened to it, you might like to check out my podcast where I share plenty of very cool tips and advice.

Listen to the Acoustic Asylum on Apple Podcasts


Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. For fun, I’ll be giving out one free copy of the Guitarists Get Theory book and bonuses (worth $85) to one winner who leaves the podcast a review by tomorrow night. Enjoy!


P.P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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