Sometimes on the guitar, you will get big breakthroughs.

I love those…

…But on a day-to-day level, big breakthroughs don’t tend to happen that often.

What I encourage you to do is keep striving to make those big breakthroughs AND also try to make 1% improvements each day.


If you do that, over the coming weeks and months, you will see real progress.

Those little 1% differences all add up over time and they compound like interest in a bank account.

I’ve just recorded a new episode of the Acoustic Asylum podcast where I’m talking about this sort of stuff.

In this episode, I’m sharing 10 quick tips to help you improve the fundamentals of your playing and be free from the Acoustic Asylum for good.


Here are some highlights from this episode:

How to quickly improve the ‘Death Grip’ by using a ‘Butterfly Touch’.

A simple solution for playing scales if they ever sound awkward or disjointed.

Why you should think like movie director Stanley Kubrick (plus a lesson from his classic movie The Shining).

A simple, basic but under-used way to improve your fingerpicking tone.

Why you need one lick in your toolbox (just one is a great place to begin).

The one thing the “Gatekeeper” of the Acoustic Asylum is a master of, despite him having no musical skills whatsoever… Yet this is critical for all guitarists.

How to play the simplest strumming pattern everyone should know (and how practising this can improve your core musical skills).


If you only apply one of these tips today, that will help you improve your playing.

The episode is full of good valuable advice.

The only thing I ask is… If you can, please do leave the podcast a review.

Reviews help me to know you are enjoying it, they help spread the word to others, and your reviews really do mean a lot to me.


Listen today, enjoy, and get truly mastering those fundamentals for more guitar-playing fun.

You can check it out below if you have an Apple device or iPhone.

Listen to the Acoustic Asylum

…Or you can listen in a variety of other ways HERE.



Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. In the podcast, I mention my fingerpicking book. If you love the sound of fingerpicking but you don’t have this book, you might want to check it out here at Fingerstyle 101

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