Welcome to a new Monday post with 3 random thoughts on all things guitar, music, and life, including thoughts on being passionate about the guitar, a live event, and more.


#1 – Bristol

The other day I went to a business event in Bristol, in the UK.

It was for business owners and the entrepreneurial types.

I had never gone to anything like this before, so was a little nervous heading down there.

…But it was a really cool event.


To meet people who are running similar businesses to mine was great.

There were a very interesting bunch of folks.

Some of the people were further down the line with their businesses than me.

Others were newer and starting out.


At lunch, a young fella was picking my brains about writing and publishing books.

It was nice to be able to share some pearls of wisdom I’ve learned over the years.

Overall, it was just great to be around like-minded people.

Sometimes the business world can be a strange place.

I work from home, have a team scattered around Europe and the US, and rarely meet others in person doing similar things.

The guitar journey can be a little lonely sometimes too.


I do talk about it a lot, but it’s important to try to connect with others where possible.

Interacting with others in a community or jamming with a friend where possible is great.

Some folks are happy to learn on their own.

Others need more support from others.

Either way, I think everyone can benefit from just being around other musicians a little more.


#2 – Passion

After the event, about 10 of us went for an Italian meal.

One chap was chatting to me about music.

He was saying this year he wants to either learn guitar or learn to DJ.

He asked my opinion and do you know what I told him?


Well, this guy is massively into “drum and bass” music.

He doesn’t really listen to guitar music.

He doesn’t like blues or rock or many other guitar styles, really.

In fact, I think he was interested in the guitar because it is cool (which, of course, it is!).

So I told him…


Unless you are passionate about playing the guitar and guitar music, he might be better off learning to DJ.

I mean, he will never know until he tries it, of course, but I never like to sugar-coat it.

Learning guitar takes a lot of time, a lot of passion, and for those who have a passing fancy to learn the instrument…

It often doesn’t really work out.

Those folks often end up quitting and letting the guitar gather dust.


That’s why I am always so keen to work with students like the majority who read these emails…

The passionate folks who love music, and the genres of rock, folk, and blues, and other styles of music that work so well on the guitar.

It makes it so much more fun.

So, it’s ace to remember these things.

Playing the guitar can be a challenge, but it is an amazing thing to be able to do, so keep that passion!


#3 – A live event?

After the event, it got me thinking…

One day I’d love to put on a live event myself.

It’s something I’ve always thought would be cool.

So I spoke to the host after, the brilliant Dan Meredith, and asked how he felt putting on the event.


He said it was stressful, hard work, and chaotic, but he loved it.

I was thinking, how cool would it be to get together a whole bunch of us guitarists in a room?

…And to teach, share, and jam together and do some mini workshops.

I think it would be wonderful.

I have no real idea if this is something that I will do.

The event would be in the UK, but if it could come together, I think it would be loads of fun.

Anyway, if this is something you would be up for, let me know.


Of course, this would take some epic planning and wouldn’t happen probably for a year or two, but I think it could be fun!

If there is enough interest, I’ll start to get the cogs turning and see if this could be a real possibility.

Anyway, if you want something fun to jam today, then you might like to check this out.

The Beginner 12-Bar Blues Mini Masterclass


Have an amazing week of practice.

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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