Welcome to a new weekly 10-second tip. Today I want to talk about this:


“Never ‘just go through the motions’ with any exercise…ever”


Exercises on guitar can be great, but you should always do them with focus and precision.

If not, they can be harmful rather than beneficial.

For example, there’s the “Walking exercise” (sometimes called the “Spider”), where you place each finger on the same string on adjacent frets (e.g., frets 5,6,7,8).

Many people play this badly where they rush and get into all sorts of bad habits.

The other day, Logan hit the nail on the head when he said this after watching my lesson on it…


“I was one of the folks that just ripped through this exercise each morning… After working through this lesson, I realized I was doing myself no good the way I was doing it before. Thanks for breaking this down – I actually look forward to this each day and I feel it is really helping!”


Just like Logan learnt, you should do every technical exercise with focus, precision and never just “rip” through it to get it out of the way.

Anyway, if you want to learn how to play the above exercise (and more) in the exact way I teach to students such as Logan, you can do so inside The Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy

There are some great bonus lessons out tomorrow too (such as how to get better rhythm without a click, ways to improve your dexterity, and a simple way to plan your playing for 2022)…

…but as the clock strikes midnight and we go into a new year, these lessons will expire.

Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve wherever you are in the world!


Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. I want to take a moment to say thank you so much for reading my emails this year. They are a joy to write, and your replies are an absolute joy to read – so thank you!

Happy New Year and wishing you a wonderful 2022!


P.P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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