never too old for guitar

Here are two more interesting emails I have got lately.

I hope you find the emails and my thoughts useful…

Today we have two quite emotional and inspiring emails. Here they are:


Email #1

“I started to learn guitar back in 1966, but never progressed much feeling I did not have the ‘musical gift’,

I took my various low-cost guitars with me to the middle east whilst serving in the Army. In 2002 I took early retirement to look after my late wife who had a serious heart op. Most of my spare time was taken up with gardening and walking my dogs and the guitars gathered dust in my lounge. In 2017 my dear Lys passed away after being nursed at home for nearly 10 months.

Then I had a stroke, so last year I moved into my granddaughter’s place. I disposed of all my belongings inc the guitar collection as I thought my useless hands would not need guitars again. Then about two months ago I thought and saw various ads for guitar tuition books etc.

Luckily the youngest granddaughter’s partner is a guitarist in a band, guitar teacher and all-round good egg, he bless him, had kept my handmade classical guitar and a lot of my old music books which he kindly arranged for me to have.

Anyway I have now been playing again for about 45 days a couple of hours each day in my summer house, my sight reading and fingerings with both hands are improving every day, I have a daily reminder on this phone saying 10,000 hours is the goal practice starts at 10 am so far so good.

Hopefully I will survive a while longer to enjoy playing guitar, I will be 79 in July, so I’m hoping you’re never too old to start learning guitar again. 

By the way it has also improved my memory and word recall, I no longer search for that word that escaped to the dark reaches of my soggy brain.

Thank you for your efforts to get us all playing again and with some skill, onwards and upwards.”



What a heartwarming email to get.

That brought a lump to my throat.

Just to think what Brian has been through, he was ready to give up the guitar for good…

But something in him was stirred, the guitar called out to him again, and now look at him…

He’s playing, and his sight-reading, fingers, memory, and recall have all improved…

…And it sounds like Brian is having a great time.

Oh, the guitar can be a frustrating instrument sometimes, but it is a wonderful instrument too.

The joy and health benefits it can give us are truly unique.

Thanks, Brian, for the super inspiring email.


Email #2

“Love the emails Dan! I’m really enjoying your course, taking it slow and easy. I’m 65 and battling lung cancer for the last 2 years. You’d think I’d have more time to practice but I don’t. I’m lucky to get 30 minutes a day but I make sure and practice my chord changes if nothing else.  

I chose your course because of my interest in finger picking plus the blues. You’re an amazing instructor, knowing how to make it interesting and keeping my attention. I look forward to your future courses and of course the emails. Glad I ran across you. Thank you for everything!”



I’m so pleased to read this.

…And I know what Ronnie talks about when he says, “You’d think I’d have more time to practice”.

I’ve heard this a lot over the years from students and I would love more practice time too!

Getting in a decent amount of focused, quality practice is always better than lots of sloppy practice though.

Delighted to be able to help Ronnie, and just like Brian above, it sounds like he’s having a great time on the guitar.

Wishing Ronnie the best with his health.


I hope you enjoyed those emails.

Both are very powerful and hopefully very inspiring to you too.

There’s so much fun to be had with the guitar and life.

I hope you enjoy every moment.

If you want more help with your playing and some inspiring lessons, you might want to check this out:

Guitar Domination Super eBook Bundle


Have a wonderful day and keep being inspired!

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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