Here are two more interesting emails and comments I have got lately.

I hope you find the emails and my thoughts useful…


Email #1

“Hi, Max from Australia. Mature age “beginner” after I first started as a child many years ago with a break of about 40 years in between!

Now I just love playing and pick up one of my guitars every day, even if for a few minutes. Susceptible to looking for the easy or quick path and not sticking with one path long enough. BUT that’s about to change!

Really looking forward to Dan’s method as I’ve read so many good reviews. My main aim for now is building a 5 song repertoire on a foundation of good technique. Best wishes to all other members.”





Delighted Max is here.

As he knows, the journey to the happy lands of guitar playing can be full of dangers…

And especially so if you try the “quick and easy path”.

It’s like the journey of Bilbo Baggins in one of my favourite books, The Hobbit.

On that journey, he encounters goblins, trolls, and, of course, a deadly dragon on his quest for gold.


Trying to go down the quick and easy path will usually get you lost and lead you down into the great dragon’s dungeon.

Not saying it should be a slow process, but learning the guitar should be a focused, methodical, and unrushed process.

We all know this deep down.

The good news is that progress can speed up.

It often starts slow, speeds up, slows down a little, and speeds up again.

It’s an ebb and flow.

Keep doing the right things and progress will speed up at some point, and possibly sooner than you might think.

Anyway, keep that in mind on your quest. The dragon or the gold, which will it be?


Email #2

“Dan. Loving this course and I’ve learned so much just from these few lessons. Chords are not my friend – getting out of the habit of fretting one finger at a time is not easy – but playing melodies feels like an achievement so thank you for that.”




That’s a real pleasure to read.

Maureen was talking about my Breakthrough Beginner course.

In that course, I talk about chords, and how it’s essential, when learning them, to try not to land one finger at a time.

If you practise landing one finger at a time when practising a chord, it often becomes a habit.

Then when you play chord changes in a song, guess what…

That habit resurfaces and there’s a deathly silent pause as your other fingers rush to catch up.


Silences in the middle of a song lead only to disjointed music.

That’s a little tip for you there – avoid landing one finger at a time when you practise your chords and chord changes.

In the Breakthrough Beginner course, I talk all about this, what not to do, what you should do, and much more.

Plus, I show you a simple secret to having more fun if you hate or struggle with chords.

Good technique + fun = more joy

That’s something every guitarist deserves to have.


Check out the course below if you would like to:

Find out more about the 7-Day Transformation and Breakthrough Beginner Courses


Keep enjoying your playing and remember, those who never give up always succeed.

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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