super power

Welcome to a new weekly 10-second tip. This week we’re talking about…

The power of repetition


Years ago, before I primarily focused on teaching adults how to play guitar, I used to teach the instrument in a school (the same school Archie’s mom, Sarah, teaches at).

I quickly realised there were quite a few differences between the way the kids learnt and the way adults learnt (some good, some bad).


One of these things was that the most successful kids would love playing the same thing over and over on guitar.

Repetition was something they enjoyed.

Most people imagine it to be the other way around and that kids would be all hyperactive and would want to learn something else.



I often found that if a kid enjoyed playing a piece on guitar, they would savour it and play it over and over.

Some adults, on the other hand, would learn something, enjoy it, and then want to quickly move on to the next thing.

One reason may be that adults may feel they have to make up for lost time, or it may be that they have so many songs they want to learn on the guitar that they just can’t help themselves.


Anyway, I may delve deeper into this subject and the differences between adult and kid learners in another email, but for now, it’s definitely worth remembering this…

Repetition, and playing the same thing over and over until you nail it, is a super useful skill to develop.

Of course, you should practise the piece with focus, stay totally in the moment, and try to improve a specific aspect of it daily.

Do that with one piece at a time from now on and your playing will no doubt improve for it.


I hope you found that useful, and for more help with improving your playing, you may want to check this out below:

The Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy


Have a great day of practice!

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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