new inspiration

Here are two more interesting emails I have got lately.

Today we’re talking inspiration and chord changes.

I hope you find the emails and my thoughts useful…


Email #1

“Have just read – quickly – while listening to Joe Bonamassa on TV, your new guide.

Has me wanting to start applying myself – again – to my playing.

Played years and years ago, like 40 years ago but as often happens, life got in the way, and I only just picked up a guitar again a few years ago. Sadly, I discovered that arthritis in my hands has made “playing” very difficult – and discouraging.

My practicing goes in fits and starts but, again, your guide has lit a fire under me and, hopefully, I’ll be able to get at it again.

Thanks a lot for your entire program!

Even though I’ve had the action lowered and lighter strings put on most of the other guitars, the Zager’s action, and smaller size, seems to work better for me. At 71, I don’t know how much progress I’ll make, but will keep plugging away at it.”

     – Molly


The guide Molly mentioned was, of course, my new one called the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum.

It’s a fun one.

I’ve had some lovely feedback on it so far, so that’s great.

What’s really cool is that a fair few of you said that after reading it you’ve been super inspired to pick up the guitar.

That’s wonderful.


On this guitar journey, we all go through ebbs and flows after all.

Some days, your inspiration might be high.

Other days, it might be low.

For me, some days I love to jam more than anything.

Other days, I don’t get as much practice in as I’d like.

And every now and then, I don’t feel like practising.

I know, that’s blasphemy for a guitar tutor to admit.

We’re all human though.


The main thing is…

Stay the course, keep practising with focus, and enjoy it each time you pick up your guitar.

Honestly, being able to play the guitar is one of the greatest joys in life.

…But don’t beat yourself up if you have an off day.


Email #2

“A simple thing like putting your finger on the root note first was something I hadn’t thought of and made all the difference for me. I had been doing it in reverse and a lot of the time that string would sound dead because I was picking it before I had time to apply pressure during a quick chord change. Problems solved!”

  – Art


What was Art talking about?

The dreaded issue of slow chord changes, of course.

Slow chord changes are, without doubt, one of the most frustrating and painstaking parts of playing guitar.

…But they are essential to master.

There’s a lot you can do without chords, but without fast chord changes, you will be limited in the long term.

So, when you get breakthroughs like this, savour them.

The tip Art mentioned was one I share in my In Focus course.


In that course, I go into detail on how to use the technique Art mentioned.

Plus, I teach the subtle stuff that makes it work, exactly what to avoid when it comes to chord changes and other powerful techniques such as “Air Changes” and the “Fake Pivot”.

There’s a lot of powerful stuff in a few simple videos.

If you want access to these lessons, you’ll find them in the In Focus course, which is part of the Academy. Find out more below…

The Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy


Remember, those who never give up on the guitar succeed! 

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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