Here’s a guitar lesson taken from the gym.


Years ago, I first started training in the gym.

It was terrible.

I’d hop from one machine to another, do some free weights, jump on the treadmill, and so on.

At the end of the session, I had no idea if I was exhausted because I’d done a good workout or because my brain was overwhelmed!


It was only when I got a proper routine and stuck to it that I made real progress.

Then my progress, fitness, strength, and general health improved massively.

Having a solid routine that was created for me took out all the guesswork and made this progress possible.


I see guitarists and guitar tutors make the mistake I was making all the time on the guitar.

Many guitarists have no idea what to practise…

Most guitar tutors don’t give their students any sort of practice plan.

…And YouTube is just full of random lessons that would take an Einstein-like genius to learn how to put together into a smooth and easy-to-follow plan.

So, what if I told you there was a 3-minute guitar-playing workout that could help fix all this?


3-minutes doesn’t sound like a lot.

You might think you can’t make much progress in this time.

…But in three minutes of gym training you can hugely increase your cardio by doing HIIT training (which are usually sprints followed by short periods of rest).

And you can do something similar on the guitar too.


In fact, I’ve just recorded a 3-minute video guitar-playing workout that can give you massive improvements if you do it every day.

There are 6 exercises inside the workout.

All six exercises are crucial for improving all your playing and cover things such as technique, rhythm, chord changes, fingerpicking, strumming legato, musicality, and more.

If you’re already familiar with lots of my lessons, you will be able to get started with this very quickly, but if you’re brand new, it will take a little time to get started (but don’t worry I walk you through each exercise).


We basically spend 30 seconds on each exercise.

…And what this workout does is cement many core concepts I teach, gets your practice session off to a good start, and drills the basics in 1/10th of time than if you were to do them on their own.

Some may do these exercises separately and do them for 10 minutes each (which would take 1 hour in total).

That is a lot of practice and truth be told, most people just won’t do it all and that’s how bad habits creep in.


Let’s face it, most of us just don’t have the time to spend improving these separate areas of our playing.

We just want to play songs and have fun as well as improve the technical stuff.

That’s where this routine comes in.


Of course, you can take this 3-minute workout and do it a few times per day to speed up your results even more (which I recommend).

I already created a 7-minute workout a few months ago for intermediate players, but this one is a super beginner-friendly workout that everyone can enjoy.

…So, if you want a ready-made workout to fix bad habits, improve all your technique, and get a lot done in a short space of time, check out the DTAA.


This new lesson (as well as the others) will be released on Tuesday.

You have to join the DTAA before the Tuesday deadline to get it.

…And if you join before then, you will also get instant access to all the other DTAA lessons, including the ‘Kickstarter’ lesson, which will help you get started with the academy right away.

The Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy


I’ve been teaching the stuff in this workout for years, but this is possibly one of the most useful mini lessons I’ve created.

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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