fix bad habits

Here are two more interesting emails I have got lately.

I hope you find the emails and my thoughts useful…

Today we’re hearing from Dennis who was angry with himself…

…And Rhonda, who was starting to get stuck but found a solution.

Here we go…


Email #1 

“I am so angry with myself. I have been attempting the Kickstarter program for 3 days with very little success. This AM I reviewed the video.

The first two tips you gave me were to SLOW DOWN AND BREAK IT INTO SMALLER CHUNKS. I have followed NEITHER.

Gee Dan, I wonder why I have been trying to learn guitar for 60 years. Time to KICK myself in the derriere and follow your tips.”




This is a great reminder for everyone.

It’s so important to follow these two tips – slowing down and breaking things up into small chunks.

If you don’t follow that advice, it can be like trying to run a marathon while sprinting.

You’ll only get so far before things fall apart.

…But instead of your body giving up on you, it would be your mind and self-belief.


I’m glad the advice hit home with Dennis.

Yes, he was annoyed with himself because he didn’t follow the advice right away, but well done to him for taking the time to stop, reset, and apply the advice.

He followed up a few days later, feeling much better about things.

It’s so easy to want to sprint, but remember, a leisurely stroll can be far more enjoyable and much more effective.

If your practice has been frustrating lately or even for a long time, take what Dennis says on board.

You’ll be pleased you did.


Email #2 

“I am loving the 7-day course and look forward to starting the breakthrough beginners course as well as checking out DTAA.

During my first year (2021) I watched and followed Justin and Andy Guitar. In August 2022 I started taking face to face lessons. I passed Grade 1 of the RSL programme.

I prefer Justin’s platform over Andy’s. I did learn the basics but picked up bad habits as there was nothing to compare to and no one to redirect me.  I also felt isolated and didn’t feel I was progressing. 

I started face to face with Katie and started to see progression. Katie is very patient, but I feel I am not learning anything other than the songs and scales and riff and other things just to pass the next exam. I am learning various techniques but there is something lacking. I feel I am learning parrot fashion but have no understanding if that makes sense.

Can I say, in the few short days that I have been following the courses from you, I have changed to the classical position, and now use a footrest, and this has been a game changer. Also your tips on relaxing shoulders, light finger pressure and the moving from the elbow, have addressed issues I have with a shorter pinky on fretting hand and I cannot wait for the grooves and calluses on my fingers to disappear. And I can play Happy Birthday and I am seeing progress in the songs I am practicing for RSL grade 2 exam (Sitting on the Dock of the Bay; Let Her Go; Other Side of the World) too.”



I’m delighted to hear about the progress Rhonda has made so far.

There are a lot of good things that can be learnt from others, both online and in person, but it seems to me, that no matter where anyone learns from…

When they join my email list, they often tell me of their frustrations and the bad habits they’ve developed.

I guess that’s why they were still searching for lessons that work for them.


If you’re in a similar boat as Rhonda, you may want to check out my 7-Day Transformation, and Breakthrough Beginner courses (which come as a dual package).

You’ll get lessons on quickly fixing bad habits, you’ll learn to play fun riffs, songs, and melodies to boost your confidence, and you’ll get a clear progression of lessons to follow.

I’m not promising overnight results or that you will get the results Rhonda has got (as Dennis said, you have to apply the lessons diligently), but if there’s been something lacking in your playing, then you may want to check it out below:

Find out more about the 7-Day Transformation Course


Have a great day!

Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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