Do you ever have times when your motivation for practising the guitar varies wildly?

For instance, at some point, you might feel super motivated and some days you’re just “not in the mood”.

If so, and especially if your motivation is lower than you’d like, this should help…


I was listening to a podcast the other day.

The host was talking about fitness and how a great way to get into shape is…

NOT to say you are going to join a gym and do a gruelling couple of hours of workouts per day…

…But in fact, it’s better to commit to doing 10 push-ups a day for a week.



…Because 10 push-ups a day is far easier to stick with than big tough workouts.

The thing is, when you’re super motivated, you may feel like you can take on the world…

…But the problem is, even though we all have good intentions, life often gets in the way.

Work, family, emergencies, a bad night’s sleep, illness, etc…

All these things get in the way.


When it comes to guitar practice, if your motivation is low…

One thing I urge you to do is make the commitment to just pick it up each day.

Make the commitment to practise one thing.

Yep, just one.

Do this one thing ten times.


That’s it. If you then want to carry on practising, great, go for it.

If not, you can put the guitar down and be satisfied.

The hard part for some people can be picking up the guitar in the first place.

…But if you want to build up good practice habits, commit to this one thing every day for 7 days and see how you feel.

In a week, you might just change your trajectory.


Speaking of which, here’s something that will help…

I’m not sure if you know, but I wrote a short eBook called The QuickStart 7-Day Guitar Plan.

It’s a super fun guide that features seven daily lessons on how to play songs, picking, techniques, and more.

I wrote the book but never really knew what to do with it.

It was on Amazon for a bit (but I have since removed it for various reasons).


Now though, I’ve decided to add it to my eBook bundle.

It’s a very short book that features some crossover information from my other books and courses…

…But the idea is that it will help give you some clear and actionable things to do over the next week to boost your motivation and skills.

You can, of course, keep revisiting the lessons as many times as you like though.

For a very short time, the bundle is on sale with a discount.

Plus, if you order before the sale ends, I’m going to give you a bonus eBook I co-wrote called Playing Guitar with Arthritis.

Guitar Domination Super eBook Bundle


Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. I’m also going to donate 10% of the sales to a dementia charity. That’s something I’ve spoken about recently and something I want to get doing more of going forward.


P.P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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