I heard a song on the radio the other day.

It was by a band called Barenaked Ladies and the song was called “One Week”.

Back when I was a kid, I’d hear this song on the radio a lot.


I’d wake up usually a little late for school, bleary-eyed, with the sun shining through the curtains.

…Rushing through a big bowl of cereal as my mum hurried me and my sister off to school.

It’s funny how hearing a song can flood back memories of a time in your life.

That is the power of music.


The song is not exactly my style of music these days…

…But what I love about the song is that it takes a serious subject (the one-week aftermath of a fight in a relationship) and turns it into a catchy pop tune, and a funny one too.

Having fun is a huge part of what music should be about in my opinion… especially playing guitar.


Speaking of fun, what can you achieve in a week on the guitar?

Well, if you practise to a high standard, you can make superb progress every week.

You can get small incremental and steady progress with the occasional big and exciting breakthrough.

…But if you are stuck with your playing and don’t quite have the basics sorted, you can still make great progress week to week.


That’s why I wrote my guide – The 7-Day QuickStart Plan.

It caters to both types of guitarists…

1 – Guitarists who are already doing well and want more fun with key reminders of the essentials (so you don’t slip into bad habits).

2 – Guitarists who are struggling and need to kickstart their playing.


In the short eBook, I teach simple techniques on picking, strumming, dexterity, and more…

Including how to play some fun pieces of music, which includes one of the most popular tunes I’ve taught to students (I still love to play it to this day).

There is one simple topic and technique for each of the 7 days and the book is good fun.


I’ve added this to my eBook bundle.

For a very short time, the bundle is on sale with a discount.

I’ve updated the bundle, and there are 7 eBooks in total.

All of which will help you fix the seven major stumbling blocks that beginner guitarists struggle with.

You can check it out below:

Guitar Domination Super eBook Bundle


Dan Thorpe

Guitar Domination


P.S. If you order before the sale ends, I’m going to give you a bonus eBook I co-wrote called “Playing Guitar with Arthritis”.

…And I’m also going to donate 10% of the sales to a dementia charity.


P.P.S. This post was originally taken from Dan Thorpe’s private email list. To get blog posts like this sent to you which are full of great tips to make fingerpicking, strumming, and learning guitar more enjoyable (especially if you are over 40) join Dan’s list. It’s 100% free, HERE.

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