Here is a 10-second tip for you to enjoy. It is all about “syncopation”.
For me, Travis picking is one of the coolest things about playing guitar.
Here are two more interesting emails and comments I have got lately. I hope you find the emails and my thoughts useful…
Splinters are bad for guitarists!
Welcome to a new Monday post with 3 random thoughts on all things guitar, music, and life, including thoughts on a creativity tip, the magazine Mojo, and more.
Here is a 10-second tip for you to enjoy. …And it’s a tip that pretty much affects everything your fretting hand does, especially… Your chord changes.
I watched a clip of something that was quite endearing the other day. It was Ed Sheeran on a TV chat show.
Competitiveness is a funny thing.
Welcome to a new Monday post with 3 random thoughts on all things guitar, music, and life, including thoughts on the power of deadlines, Denise’s inspiration, and more. #1 – Deadlines are powerful The new Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy offer and book launch are coming to an end… today. I know the Academy is […]
Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy member, Sandy, left a comment on a lesson saying this…