Welcome to a new Q and A. For this one, we have Andy Crowley from Andyguitar.co.uk.
Due to his laid back teaching style, his genuine focus on helping beginners improve and high quality tutorials, he is someone I respect highly. Most popular online tutors, especially those on YouTube say they teach beginners, but often their lessons are too difficult for actual beginners.
In this new blog post, the very first of 2017, I’ll show you how a simple infographic (which, by the way, you can download for free at the bottom of the post) will help you transform your guitar playing to make it more fun, productive and much more inspirational – while helping you sky-rocket your levels of motivation on the guitar.
Since signing to Wild Sound Recordings in 2013, Harry Harris has been building a reputation as one of the UK’s most original and formidable singer/songwriters.
A ruthless guitar player with a voice that moves from the explosive to the intimate, he writes songs that grab you by the scruff of the neck and refuse to let go, with influences ranging from the great American songwriter Warren Zevon to bar-rock band The Hold Steady to Scottish folk singer Karine Polwart.