This is continued on from yesterday, so if you missed that post you may want to check it out. It is the A to Z of fingerpicking, including tips, and today we continue the fun with N. Here we go…
Here is something fun for you today. It is the A to Z of fingerpicking and there are nuggets of good stuff throughout with tips to help with learning guitar so enjoy.
Here is another one of the usual Monday posts with 3 thoughts on guitar, music, and life featuring an early record by Paul Simon, my new video course, and more. I hope you enjoy…
There are a lot of things you can fix in your guitar playing with just some small tweaks, but some of these are left out of beginner guitar exercises. There are also a lot of things you can do which don’t yield much gain. Although not a miracle cure, here is a little eye-opening […]
I often get asked by students where to start when learning guitar. Picture this… You have been given a secret training mission for MI5. You are to rescue a hostage from the 100th floor of a murky skyscraper.
As it is Monday, here are another 3 random thoughts about guitar, music, and life. This week includes thoughts ranging from Mozart to John Lennon and Paul McCartney. I hope you enjoy…
There is a word that often gets used wrongly in the world of guitar playing and guitar exercises. Is it “vibrato”, “legato” or even “ostinato”? Nope, it is far simpler and if you are not careful, this word can send you down a rabbit hole, like Alice looking for the pesky white rabbit. The […]
I got this email the other day, with a strange, but common question. “Hi Dan, your address, Halesowen, was near Birmingham (UK) last time I looked, but you quote prices in dollars. Why? Regards, Alex”
The last few Mondays I shared a post with 3 random thoughts about guitar, music, and life. So far, they have gone down well, so here is another covering injuries, tuning guitar by ear, and more… I hope you enjoy…