All posts tagged with: learning new songs
I was at the gym earlier.
My oh my, why do gyms play such awful music?
It’s no wonder most people in there have headphones on.
Over the years, I’ve noticed a fair few things that my most successful students have in common.
One of these is that quite early on, they’ve often found a special piece they love to play.
Do you have a song in your musical locker that you love playing?
If not, this is a really important goal all guitarists should aim to achieve.
Have you heard the story of Tom Dula?
It was 1866, and in a town in North Carolina, a man was about to be hanged.
The man was called Tom Dula and his crime – taking the life of an innocent woman.
Playing guitar should be fun, but how fun is it for you?
On a scale of 1-10, where would you rate your enjoyment?
Is it a low number or a high number?